Who we are

Rivka’s Kindness (Chesed Rivka) was established to provide kindness and compassion to women dealing with the loneliness, stress and trauma of IVF, infertility and pregnancy loss.

We believe women need and deserve extra support whilst undergoing complex, invasive medical procedures; and for those grieving after pregnancy loss.

We also are there to support new mums who need assistance, irrespective of their path to motherhood.

What we offer

Compassionate Support: Extending kindness and loving care through essential services, fostering a stronger, more connected community

Care packs

Melbourne only

Each care pack has chicken or vegetable soup, tissues, chocolate and a card of tehilim. It’s our way of letting someone know that someone cares about her, and the pain she is going through. The care packs are designed to give someone, in need, a “hug”

Know someone who needs a hug? Contact us to organise. Collection from Balaclava or South Caulfield.

Care packs are free but we would appreciate a tax deductible donation towards the charitable work we do.


Australia wide

We provide confidential assistance with Taharat HaMishpacha (family purity/mikveh) to any woman in Australia and New Zealand, with advice in either Sephardi or Ashkenazi Tradition.

We offer confidential assistance with Taharat HaMishpacha (family purity / mikveh) for women in Australia and New Zealand, following Sephardi or Ashkenazi tradition.

If you lack a Rabbi or seek advice outside your synagogue’s tradition, or feel uncomfortable discussing personal matters with a male Rabbi, we can help. Contact our caring (female) FOSY Coordinator, who will liaise with Rabbi Benjamin Kessly for you.

All interactions are confidential, and only your question will be shared, not your identification details.

We aim to respond within 24 hours, except during Shabbat and Chagim. Trust us to Support you in naviagating this important aspect of your life.

Home Care

Melbourne only

We understand that many people lead very busy lives and are not always on hand to assist their loved ones. This is where we can help!

Rebetzin Diane Stollard, our caring FOSY coordinator, is available to provide care, and compassion through visits, assistance with appointments, and/or phone calls, to your loved ones


Free Kosher Meals


Free Care Packs


Calls & Visits


Social Events

Who is Rivka?

Matriarch Rebecca, known as Rivka in Hebrew, is a revered figure in the Torah, and her legacy of strength, resilience, and kindness is a cornerstone of our charitable endeavors. Our dedicated women’s initiative within FOSY bears her name as a testament to her inspiring story. Rebecca faced the initial challenge of infertility, but her unwavering faith led to the birth of twin sons, Jacob and Esau. Her kindness extended beyond her family, as she demonstrated genuine hospitality to strangers, reflecting the values we hold dear. In naming our women-focused initiative after this remarkable matriarch, we aim to carry forward her legacy of compassion and support for those in need, just as she embraced strangers with open arms.

Suggested Support


— Taharas Hamishpacha & Reproductive health

Tahareinu is the global frontline for medical solutions for Taharas Hamishpacha and reproductive health. We transform lives by imparting the most up-to-date global medical knowledge to educate and empower women, couples, and Jewish communal leadership, all the while partnering with medical professionals worldwide.

The Eden Centre

— Women Support

The Eden Center focuses on enabling all women to have a personally meaningful and welcoming experience in the mikveh, providing support and resources for crisis and lifecycle moments and transforming the mikveh into a vehicle to promote women’s emotional and physical health, intimacy, and well-being

Tefilat Chana

— Reproductive health

Tefilat-Chana is a non-profit organisation, providing support for Jewish couples in Australia who are experiencing infertility, reproductive health issues or pregnancy loss. Our objective is to cater for the specific needs of Jewish couples in Australia, by providing emotional and informational support that is relevant in Australia.

Birkat Emunah

— Infertility Resources

Brikat Emunah: A Mikvah Resource, is a resource created with the Eden Center, for women who are navigating infertility to help them find new meaning and comfort when going to the Mikvah. This resource can also be utilized outside the Mikvah when looking for strength and prayers to say.

Australian Jewish Fertility Network (AJFN)

— Infertility Support in Jewish Community

For those struggling to achieve their dreams of having a baby, the AJFN is a beacon of hope, offering financial and emotional support as well as educational resources, and encouraging open and honest conversations about infertility within the Jewish community.